Feature in Create Magazine’s XXV issue

May 2021

This feature was curated and published by Create Magazine in May 2021. Buy the physical issue here or see feature on Create’s website HERE.

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“There is so much light, and also so much dark in this life. The past year provided more evidence of this than the average in our present era, but it is true at all times. The foundation of my recent work has been exploration of this truth. Some pieces are nostalgic, warm interpretations of places that have held my heart in times of peace. Others are darker explorations of the harsher realities of life – beautiful places washed over by the sinister haze of modern dilemma. Whatever view lies before us, our individual experiences dictate our perceptions of them. Underneath these hazy layers of perception is a miraculous universe indeed.


The past year spent in lockdown has changed the way I see the landscapes that are immediately accessible to me. Suddenly the park down the street is so much more than just a place to run the dog a couple times a week - it is sweet respite from the monotony of numbing routine within the confines of home, it is new breath. It is brimming with every color, in a constant state of flux. It provides brief passage for running water, particles that have endured endless travel through streams and aquifers and porous rock for billions of years. It hosts countless blades of grass, each one the “journeywork of stars” as the great poet Walt Whitman put it. It is freedom. It is finally as glorious as it has been all along.”

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